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Moving the medical device industry forward with advanced man

www.aerospacemanufacturinganddNov 29, 2021


Don’t miss the Dec. 7, 2021, webinar featuring representatives from Siemens Digital Industries Software, the U.S. FDA, and the Medical Device Innovation Consortium.

The road to advanced manufacturing starts with collaboration, and collaboration starts here. Let’s dive into how advanced manufacturing can improve the industry.

Advanced manufacturing is not a specific destination that all medical device companies need to reach. Instead, it’s a journey of incorporating tools and concepts that promote manufacturing maturity, which enables companies to successfully react to industry challenges while enabling process efficiency and flexibility.

In this webinar, industry experts from the Medical Device Innovation Consortium (MDIC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) discuss with Siemens Digital Industries Software how to successfully implement existing technologies that are critical to advanced manufacturing.

You will learn:

How technology, such as the digital twin, enables advanced manufacturing

How to optimize the flow of information across digital threads

What FDA’s role is in advancing the medical device industry

How MDIC’s industry collaboration and Siemens’ solutions play a role in advanced manufacturing

How companies move forward to develop the right strategy and technology partner